Posts by Medallion Group
Are You Afraid of Outliving Your Money?
As retirement nears, many people worry about the possibility of outliving their savings. This concern is understandable, given longer life expectancies and increasing healthcare expenses. However, with the right strategies and tools, we can help alleviate this worry and support a thought-out future. Understanding…
Read MoreSocial Security Fairness Act: Increased benefits for millions of public sector employees.
The Social Security Fairness Act, signed by Joe Biden on January 5, 2025, will bring significant benefits to millions of public workers across the United States. This act targets two specific provisions that have been criticized for penalizing certain groups of employees: the Windfall Elimination…
Read MoreA Unique LTC Strategy
A little while ago, we worked with a client who was tired of paying the increasing annual premiums for their Long-Term Care (LTC) policy. As many of you know, traditional LTC policies are issued with a set level of benefits. This…
Read MoreNavigating Technology Breaches and Data Protection
In today’s digital age, with countless passwords and online accounts storing our sensitive information, the threat of data breaches and identity theft looms large. The recent breach at National Public Data, one of the largest of its kind, has heightened concerns about data security for…
Read MoreFAQ- Understanding my Federal Employee Benefits [Video]
How Do I Understand My Federal Employee Benefits? Federal government employees are provided with an impressive benefits package. The standard benefits are considered by many experts to be a valuable component of its compensation package, often exceeding the benefit packages offered by public sector employers.…
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Should I Buy a Retirement Home Now or Wait?
It’s no secret that the housing market is in shambles — home prices continue to fall, and many homeowners are still living in homes “underwater,” — meaning the cost of their homes is lower than the mortgage loans used to buy them. But what does…
Read More6 Retirement Costs to Keep in Mind
No matter how much you’ve thought about retirement already, it can be easy to overlook some of the details that will make your post-employment years run smoothly. You probably have the basics covered, but be sure your plans and projections factor in everything you need…
Read MoreShould You Invest In Companies That You Don’t Believe In?
Socially Responsible Investing As the array of investment options continues to grow, investors have the opportunity to be more and more selective about the companies they choose to invest in, often choosing or rejecting certain stocks according to the ethical principles of the company they…
Read More4 Ways to Help Prepare your Finances for the Unexpected
Are you and your finances prepared for a rainy day? Major fluctuations in the market, new legislation, unexpected health issues and more can put stress on your budget. But, planning ahead can help you handle unforeseen circumstances if and when they arrive. Here are a…
Read MoreReasons Women Should Look Into Long-Term Care
1) Women Live Longer. It’s no secret that women generally live longer than men, and there are plenty of statistics to prove it. And while a longer life is surely a blessing, it can also present many hardships if you don’t plan properly. This includes…
Read More5 Ways to Set You and Your Children on a Path to Financial Success
You’re never too young to start learning how to deal with the tool called “money.” Once children are old enough to complete basic age-appropriate chores and want to spend money on things they see when out shopping, it’s time to get them on the path…
Read MoreApril Wellness Topics to Be Mindful Of
Here at Medallion Financial Group, we recognize that there are many different dimensions of our personal health. Many people think about wellness in terms of physical health only, but one’s overall wellness also includes mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, and social health, just to name a…
Read MoreShould I Get Identity Theft Protection?
In the face of data breaches and updating privacy terms, everyone faces a similar question: should I get identity protection? Although you may have not been directly affected by security or privacy breaches, everyone should be aware of a constant cyber security threat. For…
Read MoreA Legacy for Your Great-Grandchildren: The 529 Plan Blog
Four generations gather around the family table for Easter this year. Your granddaughter is proudly showing off her new baby, which makes you a great-grandparent. To be honest, you didn’t think you’d live to see the day. You’ve gotten older, but you are still strong…
Read MoreA Blast From The Past: Federal Employee Retirement Benefits
Focusing on Federal Employee Retirement Benefits Have you ever experienced one of those moments in life where you find yourself sucker-punched by reality? I don’t mean a gentle love tap, either. I’m talking about a knockout punch from Mike Tyson. It happened to me the…
Read MoreAnnuities Have Big Tax Advantages Over CDs
The most important skill a financial planner brings to the table for their client is not knowledge, designations, or even experience. A planner’s most important asset is his or her ability to put down the pen and listen to each client’s wants, needs, anxieties, hopes,…
Read MoreCashing in Old Life Insurance
Many people have asked us about old financial papers and their current worth. The questions have included what to do with old bank certificates of deposit, old stock certificates, and ancient papers from life insurance companies. Typically, they are most interested in knowing if these…
Read MorePlanning For Early Retirement
Oh, retirement. The one thing that almost everyone strives for. The end of the working life, and the beginning of a new, easier one full of traveling, family, and… not working. But even though retirement is a common goal, it’s certainly not an easy one.…
Read MoreA Survivor Benefit Primer for FERS and CSRS
Overview The retirement annuities under CSRS and FERS have a survivor benefit option that can provide your spouse with an annuity after your death. Your annuity can be up to 55% of your full retirement annuity if you are a CSRS employee or up to…
Read MoreInvest in the Justice League
Imagine that the Joker is on the loose in Gotham City. He’s doing his normal Joker thing: robbing banks and breaking things, and he has Joker-dressed goons running all over the city. Not only that, but let’s say that the Riddler is also wreaking havoc.…
Read More7 Basic Tips for Financial Success
One of the best gifts you can give your children is an education on the basics of financial responsibility. When a friend emailed us the other day and asked us to write down some basic financial tips for her son, a graduating high school senior,…
Read MoreWhat is Life Insurance?
The short answer is income replacement protection. But let’s dig in a bit deeper to see exactly what it means. The Real Purpose of Life Insurance Life Insurance is not a lottery ticket. It is simply meant to replace the income that is lost with…
Read MoreIrreversible Mistakes with Your Federal Benefits
Our recent post, Trust but Verify, showed that relying on your agency’s HR staff to determine your retirement qualifications can have serious consequences. There are many common mistakes that Federal Employees make regarding their benefits that can have irreversible effects, including the selection of FEGLI…
Read MoreThe S&P 500, Federal Employee Retirement, and NASCAR
My dad loved to watch sports. Nothing made for a more perfect Saturday than a couple of college games on either side of the dial and a NASCAR race in between. It didn’t take a hometown team on the screen to make the outcome matter,…
Read More7 Myths About Financial Planning
Many people recognize the importance of financial planning today. Yet many still hold misconceptions about who can benefit from financial planning and how it can best benefit them. Myth #1: Financial planning is just for the wealthy. Financial planning isn’t about “getting wealthy”—it’s about helping…
Read MoreStart Saving Now
There’s an old saying, “The best time to plant an oak tree was 20 years ago.” Unfortunately, 20 years has passed, so the next best time to plant an oak tree is today. Poor Planning and a Poor Attitude We recently had a visit from…
Read MoreThe Art of Choosing a Financial Planner
Choosing a financial planner can be an extremely frustrating and overwhelming task. That’s probably why a lot of people simply avoid it altogether. With that said, please be aware that being overwhelmed is not a good enough reason to avoid seeking a qualified advisor. For…
Read MoreWhat is a Fiduciary and Why Should I Care?
Perhaps you have heard the buzz about how financial advisors need to be fiduciaries. It comes up in many advertisements on T.V. and radio. Maybe you were surprised to hear that not all people who call themselves financial planners are required to put your interests…
Read MoreFEGLI, Gesundheit, and Your Life Insurance Needs Assessment
It can be devastating to choose the wrong Federal Employee Group Life Insurance plan. Before you make any decisions about what FEGLI option is right for you, taking the time to ask yourself a few questions can help you choose the plan that meets your…
Read MoreFEGLI: The Basics – Coverage Options
What is Life Insurance? Life Insurance is a contract. If you pay the insurance company a certain amount of money each month and if you pass away during the contract period, the insurance company will pay your beneficiary a fixed amount of money. What is…
Read MoreFederal Employees: Trust But Verify Before You Retire
For many long-term Federal Employees, the dream of retirement becomes tangible after reaching 20 or 25 years of creditable service, usually around ages 50 or 55. By then, you may even start counting the days until your retirement date. And hopefully, before that date comes,…
Read MoreFrequently Asked Questions You May Have If You Just Retired
You have most likely engaged in at least some retirement planning during your working life. You probably asked a lot of questions about how much you should save and even more so, how you can maximize your retirement resources. Once you finally reached retirement, you…
Read MoreWhat to Shred and What Not To Shred
Cleaning Up Do you ever wonder what you can send through the shredder? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, each year Americans dispose of more than 292 million tons of trash. Additionally, we recycle 94 million or so more. And, if your house is like…
Read MoreHow Do I Fit Social Security Into My Retirement Planning?
Like most Americans, you’ve probably paid into Social Security during your entire working life. In return, you can begin to receive monthly income from this federal program once you retire. You have some control over when and how you receive payments. These choices and other…
Read MoreTop 5 Qualities to Look for in a Financial Planner
As the adage goes, “no one will care more about your money than you do”—which means that selecting the right financial planner can require a great deal of trust. Financial advisors can help guide your investments and provide you with invaluable advice to help place…
Read MoreSanta is Retired
Santa Has Left the Building If you haven’t already heard, Santa gave up his breaking-and-entering delivery schedule long ago. Initially, Sears, Macy’s, and Nordstroms took over. Today, Amazon, Target, and Etsy have taken the reins. Instead of having to send long, heartrending petitions to Santa…
Read MoreChoosing a Financial Advisor: What to Know Before You Invest
Choosing a financial advisor may be one of the most important financial decisions that you will ever make. The person you decide to work with will be in a position to influence critical investment and planning decisions, and the quality of his or her advice…
Read MoreAffordable Christmas Gift Ideas: Festive Holidays Without Breaking the Bank – Part 2
Review In our first post in this series, Affordable Christmas Gift Ideas: Festive Holidays Without Breaking the Bank – Part 1, we gave you a few ideas and rules to follow to have a fantastic (and affordable) holiday season with your family. Besides shopping for…
Read MoreAffordable Christmas Gift Ideas: Festive Holidays Without Breaking the Bank – Part 1
Holiday Shopping Season Comes Earlier and Earlier I think by now we’re all resigned to the fact that the Christmas shopping season starts right after Labor Day. A visit to your local Costco or Sam’s warehouse on the way back from an end-of-summer vacation makes…
Read MorePlanning to Retire Within Five Years? Retirement Planning Questions You Should Consider Now
If you’re planning to retire within five years, you might be getting restless thinking about whether or not you’re financially ready. While five years isn’t long to finalize retirement planning, you can probably look forward to decades of retirement and, just as you would consult…
Read More7 Key Components of a Comprehensive Retirement Plan
In a 2019 survey, nearly half of all American adults reported having nothing saved for retirement. Another 19 percent had between $1 and $10,000 set aside, and 20 percent had between $10,000 and $100,000.This means that more than eight in every 10 adults have under…
Read MoreIf this Election Rocks the Market, Where is My Hope for Income?
When it comes to our finances, we all want to have certainty and assurance of our income, at least as much as possible. During an election year when emotions are running high, you may be tempted to pull your money from the market in an…
Read MoreElections and Your Investments: My Candidate Lost…Do I Sell?
All of us have had the experience of waking up the day after an election that we were really passionate about with a disappointment in the election outcome that makes us almost want to stay in bed. We don’t agree with the policies of the…
Read MoreFERS Civil Service Retirement: Why You Should be Planning
New Ideas Bring New Complications It’s human nature that when someone gets a good idea they want everyone to get on board. This also holds true for good ideas in the government. The Federal Government needed to replace the CSRS retirement system, so they came…
Read MoreRetirement SMART Goals
You have probably heard of the term “SMART goals” before. The term has become a bit of a cliché these days and it’s almost impossible to listen to a motivational speaker or read a self-help guide without hearing the phrase. When something has become this…
Read MoreLiving Below Your Means: 10 Things to Give Up That You May Never Miss
Sometimes you may find yourself in a tighter financial situation than expected. Maybe you’ve found yourself in the middle of a world wide pandemic. Maybe that paycheck didn’t reach as far as you had hoped. Maybe there were more expenses than you thought. Maybe taxes…
Read MoreStarting A Business After Federal Employee Retirement
Federal employee retirement can mean different things for different people. For some, it means traveling. For others, it means spending time with family. Starting a new business is an option that’s becoming more and more popular, and many retirees are launching successful startups as a…
Read MoreYour Investments and the Coronavirus
Watch the video or read the transcript of the webinar below: Ryan Dunn: All right. Hello and welcome. My name is Ryan Dunn and I’m joined by my partner and father-in-law, Dan Searles. We just wanted to make a quick video and talk to you…
Read MoreFive Lessons I Learned As An Executor
Recently, I had the unfortunate experience of being an executor for my grandmother’s estate. When I agreed to do it, I never could have imagined what was in store. There was no amount of financial planning experience, seminars, blog posts, books, etc., that could have…
Read MoreShould You Buy That New Car?
If you’re like me, the prospect of being without a car is a scary one. Cars are what we use to get around, whether it’s a trip to a friend’s house, a restaurant, the grocery store, work, or anything else. And they cost a lot…
Read MoreTSP Modernization Act Webinar
Please see the transcript of the webinar below: Ryan: All right, hello and welcome. My name is Ryan Dunn, I’m going to be one of your hosts this afternoon along with one of my partners, John Stohlman. We’re going to be walking you through some…
Read MoreEvent: Organize and Downsize 2019
Do you have too much stuff? You’re not alone. Americans are great at accumulating stuff, but not great at knowing when or how to let it go. Going through all your accumulated things can be daunting, but we’re here to help you reclaim your life…
Read MoreShred Fest 2019
As a child, my parents bribed me with toys to get good grades. Now that I’m an adult, the bribes are a lot less fun. Not Getting Arrested in exchange for Paying My Taxes isn’t the same dopamine rush as getting the Super Soaker I…
Read More5 Unexpected Benefits Of Letting (Your Stuff) Go
Disney’s movie Frozen came out when I was in college. As catchy as it is mind numbing after the millionth time your child replays the famous musical debut, Let It Go, the song has some truth to its message (especially when applied to letting go…
Read MoreShred Fest 2018
This year we shredded 3,200 pounds of paper at Shred Fest 2018! Hosted on site at Medallion’s office on May 5th, 2018, we turned a mundane task into a party with live music, delicious refreshments, and THREE raffles! We served hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts, yogurt,…
Read MoreEvent: Aging and Your Mind
John Carroll, from Deans Consulting LLC, came to share with us an engaging and educational presentation on how to set our bodies up for success as we age. He dispelled common myths about aging and confronted the uncomfortable, while providing healthy strategies for people of…
Read More43 Reasons Why You Need A Financial Advisor
FINANCIAL PLANNING Finance can be overwhelming. There are different laws, tax codes, and nuances to navigate. When it comes to your retirement, there can be deadlines that make or break an investment or withdrawal period. A certified financial adviser can help you navigate all of…
Read MoreEvent: Wine, Women, and Wealth
On May 4th, we hosted our popular Wine, Women, and Wealth seminar, which discussed how women investors face special challenges that make financial literacy and advanced planning especially important. Women are more likely to outlive their husbands or be disproportionately affected by a divorce, making…
Read MoreShred Fest 2017
On Saturday, April 22nd, we hosted our annual Shred Fest event to celebrate the end of tax season! Clients gathered their old documents and paperwork to join us for a FREE secure shredding party. Hosted on-site at Medallion Financial Group’s office, we like to turn…
Read More5 Things Retirees Should Know About Social Security Benefits
For most Americans, Social Security will provide a significant portion of their income in retirement. It’s Important According to Social Security Administration (SSA) statistics, Social Security benefits account for about 34 percent of retirement income for the average American.1 One of the biggest mistakes today’s…
Read MoreFinancial Planning: Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket
We have all heard the saying, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.” I heard it many times as a young child growing up in Lawrenceville, Georgia. One day that saying took on literal meaning. When age seven or eight, I walked down…
Read MoreEvent: Understanding Social Security Benefits
At Medallion Financial, one of the most important things we provide our clients is timely information and professional advice. On November 17th , John and Laura Stohlman presented facts and information to help attendees understand social security options. Topics covered were: What is the impact…
Read MoreOctober 27th: Oktoberfest
Autumn harkened our tastes to beer. Our clients and their guests joined us for this fun event and sampled a few brews while enjoying food and fun door prizes on Thursday, October 27th. Our Special Guest Scott, the Brewmaster from Olde Towne Gaithersburg’sGrowlers, brought entertaining…
Read MoreAmericans Underestimate Need for Long-Term Care
According to a survey conducted by USAA, only ¼ of U.S. adults believe they are likely to need long-term care, despite predictions from independent organizations that half of the American population is likely to need some form of this specialized and potentially costly health care…
Read MoreAre You Setting Up Your Family For a Feud?
Since 1976 (with brief blackouts), Family Feud has been providing entertainment based around family unity.The game show premise has family members working together to come up with the right answers. While members may dispute, the time restrictions mandate a quick consensus.Sometimes families find themselves in…
Read MoreEvent: Understanding Trusts, Wills, and Powers of Attorney
On August 2nd, 2016, we hosted a special educational opportunity, where attendees learned about the operation of a trust during life, disability and death. We covered topics like: Is a Living Trust revocable or irrevocable? What’s the difference between a Testamentary Trust and a Living…
Read MoreDon’t Panic
If you’ve been watching market headlines, you probably heard that markets tumbled in the first days of 2016, raising the specter of corrections and bear markets. When markets swing, it’s natural to worry about your investments and question your commitment to your strategy. As financial…
Read MoreEvent: June 2016 Wine, Women, & Finance
On June 23rd and June 28th we hosted our traditional Wine, Women & Finance Seminar in the Medallion Conference Center. Laura, Suzanne and John gave an informative presentation regarding the unique challenges women investors face as retirement approaches; the new social security laws; and leaving…
Read MoreShred Fest 2016
On Saturday, April 30th we hosted our annual Shred Fest event to celebrate the end of tax season! Clients gathered their old documents and joined us for FREE on-site shredding, live music, refreshments, and a raffle drawing for a prize! We also collected canned food…
Read MoreExciting Changes at Medallion
After working as Laura’s assistant since 2002, Suzanne is becoming a Financial Advisor taking on her own clients full time, and will primarily be working to assist federal employees with retirement planning and preparation. Suzanne is working towards earning her ChFC designation, with 6 classes…
Read MoreCollapsing Life Insurance
Life Insurance. Those words are enough to make many people’s eyes roll over into the backs of their heads. Some people think it’s boring. Others simply don’t want to think about the fact that death is involved in anybody’s collection of “life” insurance. Still, each…
Read MoreAlbert Einstein and Our Tax Code
The great physicist and philosopher Albert Einstein once said, “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax!” The man was a genius and even he couldn’t make sense of our tax code, and it’s only gotten worse over the years. The…
Read MoreAnnuities: The Financial Swiss Army Knife
From politics to religion, it’s no secret that this country is sharply divided on many issues. Remember when Republican Ronald Reagan was President and Tip O’Neal was the Democratic Leader? Although the two great men often argued vehemently, their disagreements were never personal. Reason always…
Read MoreChicken Little and The Stock Market Swoon
It’s no secret that the stock market is extremely volatile. The only guarantee is that it will go up and down, and wide swings can make even the savviest investor nervous. Sometimes it’s enough to make you want to pull out everything you’ve got. The…
Read MoreRetired Sports Stars- What they did after retirement
We see sports stars out on the field all the time. They’re sports stars, it’s what they do! We watch them and cheer them on. We celebrate when they win and are crushed when they are defeated. They represent cities and countries in various games.…
Read MoreTown Hall Meeting on Major Time Sensitive Changes to Social Security
The budget bill signed into law on Monday, Nov. 2, 2015 made significant changes that could impact your Social Security options and your optimal collection strategy. Here are a few key points you need to know: The bill is eliminating the popular “file and suspend”…
Read MoreAre Annuities Only Good for the Person Selling Them?
I was in the police station the other day getting fingerprinted (required by FINRA for all registered securities reps) and as I was pulling up my sleeves to stick my finger in the ink, the police officer asked me why I was there. When I…
Read MoreWhat are CDs and Annuities?
I’m always suspicious of those magazine ads selling socks or sweatshirts that say “one size fits all.” I’m a pretty big guy, with 50-inch shoulders, that still plays rugby with “The Old Boys Club.” However, my brother is tall and a little on the thin…
Read MoreBuying Domestic: Is it Worth It?
One of my favorite stories is about a boy on the beach. After a big storm comes through he begins picking up starfish and throwing them back into the ocean. By and by, an old man walking along the beach strikes up a conversation with…
Read MoreHow Does Life Insurance Work?
Let’s be honest: federal employee life insurance isn’t a pleasant topic. But it’s something most people eventually need, and it’s important to understand how it works. Simply put, with life insurance, you pay premiums to the insurance company so that the company will pay a…
Read More10 Great College Towns For Retirees
College towns are popular retirement destinations because they offer great amenities like places to eat, things to do, diverse communities, and lots of sports games for weekend entertainment. We’ve come up with a list of 10 great college towns for retirees around the country. Enjoy!…
Read MoreFacts About TSP Withdrawals
Our own John Stohlman writes for from time to time and we also get to benefit from his writing. Recently, he wrote about TSP withdrawals, an important topic to be well versed on for any federal employee or retiree. 5 Facts About TSP Withdrawals…
Read MoreInvesting When You Don’t Have A Lot Of Money
Investing can be difficult for anyone. There are so many types of investments to choose from, all with different conditions, minimums, goals, purposes, commitments, riders, and more. So even if you’re just an average Joe looking to put some savings into the market, you have…
Read MoreLife After Retirement: Fran Tarkenton
Retirement is the end goal for a lot of people. There are hundreds of different ways to save for retirement, and many people save fervently, looking forward to the day when they can stop working. But some people, including a series of famous figures, have…
Read MoreFinancial Planning Disaster: The Tim Duncan Story
There was a recent story about NBA and San Antonio Spurs legend Tim Duncan losing over $20 million in investments. He got advice from a certified financial planner with a conflict of interest, and now that money is gone after the investments tanked. This has…
Read MoreMeet Our Interns
This summer we are thrilled to welcome nine interns to our company. A few of these wonderful high school and college kids work with us year-round, but most of them are here for the first time this summer. Our interns are given the opportunity to…
Read MoreInflation and Jurassic World
“Jurassic World,” just one of the summer’s major blockbusters, has been raking in the ticket sales. The fourth movie in the Jurassic franchise took just 13 days to reach $1 billion at the international box office, the quickest ever to do so (“The Avengers” took…
Read MoreBuried Under: Managing Your Financial Papers
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans dispose of more than 250 million tons of trash each year, and recycle 82 million or so more. But no matter how much we throw away, we always seem to end up with a stack of paperwork somewhere…
Read MoreWhat to Consider When Thinking About Getting an Immediate Annuity
In his book Living at the Next Level: Insight for Reaching Your Dreams, John Maxwell wrote, Every time you discover something new, ask yourself three questions: ‘Where can I use this?’ ‘When can I use this?’ and ‘Who needs to know it?’ This truth also…
Read MoreOPM Hacked: What You Need To Know and What You Can Do
Last week, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced that in April they found a data breach in their system from last year. OPM manages security clearances for most government agencies, as well as managing the Federal Civil Service. What Happened? According to OPM,…
Read MoreFees vs. Commissions
One of the most important lessons in life is learning who to trust. We feel lucky that almost all of the advisors we’ve met in the financial world are honest, hard-working folk. They are trying to earn a living while helping clients grow and protect…
Read MoreHow to Handle Financially Dependent Adult Children
Being Fair Dear Medallion Group, I have two sons. One is doing very well, financially. The other married late, has a big mortgage, two car payments, and costly private school tuition for his two daughters. We want to help him out, but we don’t want…
Read MoreThe Roth TSP, Remember Me?
This article was originally written by our own John Stohlman and posted on The Roth TSP, Remember Me? With all the talk about the TSP possibly opening up a mutual fund window and expanding withdrawal options, you may have forgotten that it also offers…
Read MoreFamous Federal Employees
Our nation is run by some amazing people. The men and women who work for the Federal Government are not only hard workers, but they are dedicated to doing great things for the citizens of our country. Many of them have gone on to become…
Read MoreOPM Breach: Update
OPM Hacked You probably remember that in early June, the Obama administration and OPM announced that the OPM systems were breached in April, and that the information of around 4 million Federal Employees was compromised. A Second Breach Unfortunately, we now know about a second,…
Read MoreThen and Now: The Stock Market Crashes of 1929 and 2008
Downton Abbey and the Inevitable One of the most popular shows on TV right now is Downton Abbey, the BBC’s historical drama about the residents of a grand manor house in the English countryside from 1912-1924. Since the show first began the family and servants…
Read MoreBuilding a Sufficient Retirement Nest Egg
It’s the same old story: you’re going about your everyday routine and then all of a sudden retirement comes into focus. Turning 50 and not having anything put away for retirement leaves you breaking out in a sweat at night as you try to fall…
Read MoreRequired Minimum Distribution Deadline
The 15th of April, the nationally known Tax Day, is the deadline for everyone to file their taxes. However, that is not the only deadline this year in April. If you have money in a personal fund, such as an IRA, 401(k), Simplified Employee Pension,…
Read MoreLife After Retirement: Wayne Shipley, Filmmaker
An Amazing Second Career For most people, life after retirement is a time a to relax, travel, and spend more time with family and friends. It can really be what you make it, and a certified financial planner can help you plan for what you’d…
Read MoreDoes Online Financial Planning Really Work? The Dawn of the Robo-Advisor
Just about anything nowadays can be done online, from paying bills to ordering groceries. There’s even been talk of finding ways to perform surgery via the internet. So why not financial planning? Welcome to the dawn of the robo-advisor; an algorithm designed to fill in…
Read More6 Little-Known Facts About FERS Retirement
More than a Three-Legged Stool Most Federal Employees are familiar with the of the FERS retirement program—the basic annuity, TSP investments, and Social Security. But there’s more to the FERS retirement system than these basic components. We’ve gathered 6 little-known FERS retirement facts to spark…
Read MoreThe TSP Moves Closer to Offering Mutual Fund Options
Flight from the TSP In 2012, 45% of those who left government work withdrew completely from the TSP, totaling $10 billion in total withdrawals. Federal Employees who are over age 59½, but still working, took out another $2 billion. Much of this $12 billion total…
Read MoreCSRS Offset: Who Are You?
CSRS When we talk about federal benefits, we are usually talking about CSRS or FERS employees. In most cases, employees who started government service before January 1, 1984 are CSRS employees, with a retirement benefit based almost solely on a pension. Employees under CSRS don’t…
Read MoreLife After Retirement: Shirley Temple More Than a Hollywood Icon
Though Shirley Temple was a child star that faded from the spotlight, she never ceased to be an iconic force in whatever she pursued. She had a career by the age of three and retired by the age of 22 and in a second marriage.…
Read More529 Plan vs. Life Insurance
The Media Debate It’s hard to turn on the TV or listen to the radio nowadays without hearing a commercial about investing in a 529 plan or buying insurance as a way to pay for college. A certified financial planner is an excellent resource to…
Read MoreRetired on a Cruise Ship: The Ultimate Form of Assisted Living
Contributing to a 401k retirement plan, hiring a personal financial adviser, and smart investments are all ways you can prepare for life after the workforce. And if you are lucky, you may be able to plan for a retirement as cool as “Mamma Lee”. Lee…
Read MoreThrift Savings Plan Millionaires: An Example for Us All
The Number In December 2013, the government announced that the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)’s millionaires had reached an all-time high of over 1,600. That may not seem too impressive when you consider that there are currently over 2.7 million Federal Employees. However, no one goes…
Read MoreBaby Boomers: Worse Off Than Their Parents in Retirement
2008: The Baby Boomers’ Swan Song A Businessweek Online article tells the story of Lee Manchester. Lee is a 61-year-old Baby Boomer. She worked hard her whole life and even tried to start her own business back in the 80’s. Today, she finds herself with…
Read MoreThe CSRS Voluntary Contribution Program
This article was written by Federal Navigators and was originally posted on The CSRS Voluntary Contribution Program has been available to CSRS or CSRS Offset employees for many years. VCP can be a very useful option for the CSRS employee to significantly increase…
Read MoreThe Impact of Inflation on Your Federal Employee Retirement
Keeping Inflation in Mind When designing your retirement plan and investment portfolio, it is important to invest with the impact of inflation in mind. Inflation decreases your purchasing power over time and erodes investment returns. To maintain your standard of living over a federal employee…
Read MoreThe Service Computation Date Comes in Five Flavors
This article was originally posted on by John Stohlman. John has been working with clients to help them achieve retirement success since 1987 and is designated as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and Chartered Federal Employee Benefits Consultant (ChFEBC®). The Service Computation Date (SCD)…
Read MoreWill You Outlive Your Money?
There are far more seniors living today than ever before. As a group, they are more active, healthier and more involved than any previous generation. However, this longevity and active lifestyle, which most of us call “livin,’” is expensive. In fact, with gas and food…
Read MoreWhat’s Ahead for the Feds in 2015?
Cliched Investment Strategies In almost every family, there’s a relative who tries to dominate the dinner conversation with cliched investment strategies. Often, these so-called “strategies” just create more confusion, offer few specifics, and fail to provide a plan of action. When you get right down…
Read MoreYour 2015 Financial Resolutions
Weight, Taxes, and Memoirs In the weeks before Christmas we often dwell too much on what we don’t have or what we have not accomplished, instead of counting our blessings. We start making goals and resolutions, usually about losing weight, getting our taxes done early,…
Read MorePassing Down the Good Life with Baking Cookies Holiday Traditions
Hawaiian Santa When I was a kid, I always wondered how it was possible to celebrate Christmas in a place where there wasn’t even the slightest chance of snow. If you live in Honolulu, does Santa come down the chimney in a Hawaiian shirt and…
Read MoreIt’s Not a Bird or a Plane: It’s The S Fund!
Look! Up in the sky! We all remember that catchy 60’s theme song… Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. The Superman Fund If they were to print T-shirts for each of the…
Read MoreTSP Withdrawal Options: In-Service, Age-Based and Still Trucking
When it comes to TSP withdrawal options, three choices usually come to mind: early withdrawal due to financial problems, early withdrawal for a down payment on a house (exempt from the 10% early withdrawal penalty), or monthly withdrawals in retirement. Federal Employees often forget that…
Read MoreFEHB: So Many Options to Choose From
FEHB Open Season is Here The Federal Employee Health Benefits, or FEHB open season is upon us. Federal Employees and retirees have until December 8th to make changes to their health care coverage for the upcoming year. FEHB Covers Many and Has Many Choices According…
Read MoreAre Federal Employees Not Putting Enough Money into the TSP?
The Head of BlackRock Speaks Larry Fink, the head of the company that manages all of the TSP funds (except the G fund), stated in the October meeting of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board that he is concerned that Federal Employees are not putting…
Read MoreWhat Legacy Are You Going To Leave?
I have attended many industry seminars and conferences as a certified financial planner. I enjoy a good motivational speaker, but one that really sticks with me is Dr. Jerry Linenger, a retired U.S. Navy flight surgeon and NASA astronaut. Many Trials His story is reported…
Read MoreService Computation Date: The Effect of Nonpay Status
Nonpay Status Who would have thought that you could still accrue time toward your federal employee retirement benefits while in nonpay status and without having to adjust your service computation date? Well, it turns out that you can. Various Service Computation Dates As we discussed…
Read MoreCSRS Voluntary Contribution Program – The Additional Annuity Option
A Big Benefit With a Cinderella Story While the CSRS Voluntary Contribution Program (VCP) can be a great benefit for CSRS employees, it is often given far less attention than the CSRS retirement annuity and the FEHB plan. However, the VCP offers great options like…
Read MoreMedicaid and Money
Getting old is not for sissies. Especially if one’s health begins to fail. Yet most of us will agree that getting old sure beats the alternative. Yeah, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, and Bruce Lee are forever young in our minds, but they missed a whole…
Read MoreHalloween Reflections and 3 Scary Facts About Retirement
As a certified financial planner, I have seen some pretty scary things. Forget the ghouls, goblins, and ghosts of Halloween time! They don’t hold a candle to the horror of not planning for retirement. It’s All About the Chocolate There’s a house in my neighborhood…
Read MoreThe CSRS Survivor Annuity vs. Life Insurance: The Dilemma
When planning for your future, as a Civil Service Retirement System employee, one of the considerations you need to make is which CSRS survivor benefits you want to choose for your spouse. Although there are a few beneficiary designation options to consider such as FEHB…
Read MoreTSP Rollovers: A Scandal in the Making?
TSP Rollovers Make Bad Press Lately, there has been a splash of negative articles about feds choosing to roll their TSP accounts over to IRA’s and managing funds themselves. 45% of federal retirees take their money out of the TSP, causing a reduction of about…
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G and S Funds: The Yin and Yang of the Thrift Savings Plan
The G and S Funds: Part of the TSP Family One of the most frequently voiced complaints about the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is the lack of variety within the allocation options it offers. However, the G and S Funds alone are very diverse investment…
Read MoreThrift Savings Plan Withdrawal Options: Enjoying the Nest Egg
Time to Withdraw from Your TSP? You have retired from the Federal Government. Your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is brimming with your contributions, the government’s matching contributions, and the growth of these investments. The question is, what should you do with this basket full of…
Read MoreKathleen Casey-Kirschling: The First Baby Boomer
If you are a member of the Baby Boomer generation, you are in the process of or perhaps have already began retirement. It can be complicated to navigate, and getting someone to help with with planning your federal employee retirement benefits and policies is a…
Read More5 Commonly Used Financial Idioms and Their Origins
Did you ever wonder where the phrase “make money hand over fist” comes from? You probably know what it means intuitively, but if you break it down word for word, it just makes no sense. Yet people use it every day on television, at work,…
Read MoreIs $1 Million Enough to Retire Today?
One of the most important Financial Planning questions is, “How much money will I need to retire?“ The problem is that there is no magic number that is right for everyone, and it is always a great idea to consult a retirement financial adviser. But…
Read MoreSocial Security Spousal Benefits for Federal Employees
Social Security for Federal Employees Navigating the Social Security benefits system is difficult enough for an individual, and it becomes even more complicated when trying to coordinate your benefits with your spouse. It is important to analyze your options and create a plan that will…
Read MoreFederal Employee Life Insurance Basics
The Value in Just the Basics Federal Employee Life Insurance has many options but what is often lost with having so much choice is the value of the Basic coverage. The Basic Federal Employee life insurance provided by FEGLI is a valuable Federal benefit that…
Read MoreService Computation Date: The Key to Your Federal Benefits
There are potentially five different Service Computation Dates (SCD) that you should be familiar with. They are used to determine your leave accrual rate, career tenure, in grade pay increases, retirement eligibility, retirement annuity, retention position during a reduction in force, and TSP vesting. For…
Read MoreCSRS Retirement: The Old Faithful of Pension Plans
Diminishing CSRS Covered Workforce Each year that goes by there are less and less Federal Employees covered under CSRS (Civil Service Retirement System). It may be before the end of the decade when only a few remain to walk about the cavernous corridors of our…
Read MoreC Fund, F Fund, and I Fund of the Thrift Savings Plan
The C,F, and I Funds are three of the five funds in the Federal Government’s Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A., of BlackRock, Inc., the largest money manager in the world with over $4.5 trillion under management, manages the C,F, and I…
Read MoreReviewing Your SF-50 (with an infographic)
Your SF-50 may be the most important document you have when it comes to your federal benefits. The information on its pages has the power to affect your retirement date, vacation and sick leave accrual, pension vesting, and more. It pays to make sure the…
Read MoreBeneficiary Review
Back in 2012, Forbes online published an article titled “ Dead man’s outdated beneficiary documents give one million to ex-wife.” Can you imagine? This guy would probably be turning in his grave if he realized that he accidentally gave one million dollars to the wrong…
Read MoreWhat You Need to Know About DIY Financial Planning
Planning for your own retirement can be stressful, to say the least. Will I have enough money to live? Am I doing it right? What am I missing? Unfortunately, do-it-yourself financial planning often leads to emotional decisions—buying high, selling low, chasing last years’ success stories……
Read MoreUnderstanding Your Survivor Benefits as a Federal Employee
The retirement annuities under CSRS and FERS have a survivor benefit option that can provide your spouse with an annuity after your death. Your spouse’s survivor annuity can be up to 55% of your full retirement annuity if you are a CSRS employee, or up…
Read MoreFEGLI: Not Another Pasta Course
When you started your job in one of those cavernous government buildings downtown, you probably knew that you were sacrificing the dream of a corner office or keys to the partners’ restroom in exchange for the infamous federal government employee benefits. The vacation, sick leave,…
Read MoreThrift Savings Plan Funds – A World of Options?
Federal Employees with a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) have five different funds to choose from. From the ultraconservative G Fund, which invests in short term US Treasuries; to the relatively aggressive I Fund, an investment in a stock index fund that tracks large companies in…
Read MoreIs Lunch Killing Your Retirement?
There are so many different retirement savings calculators online. Search the phrase on Google and you’re likely to overload its servers with the possibilities. True, it’s not trending like one of the Kardashian sisters, but we’re talking about retirement savings calculators, not a lead story…
Read MoreMedallion Financial Group is Starting a Revolution
Surfing the web to learn about your federal employee retirement benefits? The options don’t look so great, do they? You can try to sift through the textbook-style mountains of data, or read a million articles that are pretty much cut-and-pasted from OPM’s website (and take…
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