Federal Employees
FAQ- Understanding my Federal Employee Benefits [Video]
How Do I Understand My Federal Employee Benefits? Federal government employees are provided with an impressive benefits package. The standard benefits are considered by many experts to be a valuable component of its compensation package, often exceeding the benefit packages offered by public sector employers.…
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Things to Consider when Investing in the TSP Funds [Video]
As a federal employee, you are provided retirement plan options. The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is the federal version of the private sector’s 401(k). The TSP is a recognized, defined savings/investment contribution plan. The Thrift Savings Plan’s account balance comprises several components – federal employee…
Read MoreHow Do I Get Accurate Info From my HR Department? [Video]
As you’re getting closer to retirement, you may be reaching out to your HR department trying to figure out how you can get good, accurate information from them. There’s some good news and maybe some bad news to this. The good news is that most…
Read MoreWhy Do I Need a Financial Planner if I have a TSP? [Video]
If you’re invested in the TSP and the TSP is your primary vehicle for retirement, then you may be wondering, “Do I need a financial planner? Isn’t the TSP just managing my money for me?” There’s a lot to unpack in that simple question. Let’s…
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When is the Best Day for a FERS Employee to Retire? [Video]
One of the big questions federal employees have is when is the best day to retire? There are several things that you want to take into consideration. Let’s talk about FERS employees because that’s where most of the federal employees are at this point. Below…
Read MoreThe Importance of Timing TSP Withdrawals vs. Early Social Security
This is the third blog in our 3-part series: What FERS Retirees Should Know Before Starting Social Security Retirement Benefits & TSP Withdrawals Read Part 1: When Should You Apply for Social Security Retirement Benefits? Read Part 2: The Purpose of a Thrift Savings Plan…
Read MoreThe Purpose of a Thrift Savings Plan & The Rule of 55
This is the second blog in our 3-part series: What FERS Retirees Should Know Before Starting Social Security Retirement Benefits & TSP Withdrawals Read Part 1: When Should You Apply for Social Security Retirement Benefits? The Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a defined contribution plan,…
Read MoreWhen Should You Apply for Social Security Retirement Benefits?
This is the first blog in our 3-part series: What FERS Retirees Should Know Before Starting Social Security Retirement Benefits & TSP Withdrawals Are you ready to retire? If you are a FERS employee, you probably know that your retirement income is structured like a…
Read MoreFEGLI, Gesundheit, and Your Life Insurance Needs Assessment
It can be devastating to choose the wrong Federal Employee Group Life Insurance plan. Before you make any decisions about what FEGLI option is right for you, taking the time to ask yourself a few questions can help you choose the plan that meets your…
Read More3 Retirement Questions Federal Employees Should be Asking Now
Making the transition from the workforce to retirement is a big decision. After years of service, you are close to settling into a more comfortable and less stressful, and demanding lifestyle. As professional financial advisors specializing in the retirement of Federal employees, we understand the…
Read More4 Reasons to Consider an Age 59 ½ In-Service Withdrawal
An under-used and misunderstood strategy that can help you preserve your assets while managing risks associated with investing. Let us review a few of the basics of the “age 59 ½ in-service withdrawal.” Many company plans such as 401(k), 403(b) and Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)…
Read MoreChoosing a Financial Advisor: What to Know Before You Invest
Choosing a financial advisor may be one of the most important financial decisions that you will ever make. The person you decide to work with will be in a position to influence critical investment and planning decisions, and the quality of his or her advice…
Read MoreFERS Civil Service Retirement: Why You Should be Planning
New Ideas Bring New Complications It’s human nature that when someone gets a good idea they want everyone to get on board. This also holds true for good ideas in the government. The Federal Government needed to replace the CSRS retirement system, so they came…
Read MoreYour TSP and the Coronavirus [Webinar]
Watch the video or read The transcript of the webinar below: Ryan Dunn: All right. We are at the top of the hour, so we’ll go ahead and get started. Hello and welcome. My name is Ryan Dunn. I’m a Charter Federal Employee Benefits Consultant…
Read MoreFinancial Planning: Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket
We have all heard the saying, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.” I heard it many times as a young child growing up in Lawrenceville, Georgia. One day that saying took on literal meaning. When age seven or eight, I walked down…
Read MoreAlbert Einstein and Our Tax Code
The great physicist and philosopher Albert Einstein once said, “The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax!” The man was a genius and even he couldn’t make sense of our tax code, and it’s only gotten worse over the years. The…
Read MoreFacts About TSP Withdrawals
Our own John Stohlman writes for FedSmith.com from time to time and we also get to benefit from his writing. Recently, he wrote about TSP withdrawals, an important topic to be well versed on for any federal employee or retiree. 5 Facts About TSP Withdrawals…
Read MoreThe TSP Moves Closer to Offering Mutual Fund Options
Flight from the TSP In 2012, 45% of those who left government work withdrew completely from the TSP, totaling $10 billion in total withdrawals. Federal Employees who are over age 59½, but still working, took out another $2 billion. Much of this $12 billion total…
Read MoreFEHB: So Many Options to Choose From
FEHB Open Season is Here The Federal Employee Health Benefits, or FEHB open season is upon us. Federal Employees and retirees have until December 8th to make changes to their health care coverage for the upcoming year. FEHB Covers Many and Has Many Choices According…
Read MoreG and S Funds: The Yin and Yang of the Thrift Savings Plan
The G and S Funds: Part of the TSP Family One of the most frequently voiced complaints about the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is the lack of variety within the allocation options it offers. However, the G and S Funds alone are very diverse investment…
Read MoreCSRS Retirement: The Old Faithful of Pension Plans
Diminishing CSRS Covered Workforce Each year that goes by there are less and less Federal Employees covered under CSRS (Civil Service Retirement System). It may be before the end of the decade when only a few remain to walk about the cavernous corridors of our…
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